Wraparound Intensive Services (WISe)

WISe is an individualized home-based program which provides intensive mental health care to children and their families. WISe is designed to provide comprehensive mental health services. The goal of the program is for youth to live and thrive in their homes and communities, avoid delinquency, and avoid disruptive out-of-home placements. WISe promotes youth development, maximizing their potential to grow into healthy and independent adults.

Population Served

The program serves Medicaid-eligible youth, birth to 21 years old, who are experiencing mental health symptoms that disrupt or interfere with their functioning at home, school, or with peers. Anyone can make a referral for WISe services, and youth and their family may request services for themselves (self-refer).

Research and Outcomes

The intended service outcomes are individualized to each youth and family. Support is offered to ensure the youth can live successfully in their homes and communities and make positive and informed decisions regarding their care and lives, with an avoidance of hospitalizations and out-of-home placements. The WISe program staff use a data-driven tool called the Child & Adolescent Needs & Strengths (CANS) which identifies youth and family strengths, prioritizes needs and measures progress over time.

For more information on WISe, please visit:  Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe)