IFD Equity Commitment Statement

IFD is fully committed to creating an anti-racist, equitable and inclusive agency culture. This aligns with our mission to keep children safe and families together. We recognize that Black, Indigenous and other children of color are disproportionately represented in foster care and the juvenile justice system, LBGTQ+ youth are over-represented in our mental health system and at higher risk of self-harm and suicide, and families living in poverty are more likely to become involved in the child welfare system and stay involved longer than middle income families.

Using a trauma-informed approach, we work to mitigate the impact of oppression on the populations we serve. We strive to provide programs and services that are inclusive, respectful and that honor the cultural beliefs, language, abilities, interpersonal styles and values of all individuals. We treat everyone with respect and dignity, and work to ensure that our organizational culture reflects our values of safety, inclusion, accountability, accessibility, and optimism.

To continue moving our agency forward with this work, we have a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Team. This team is comprised of staff volunteers who represent diverse cultures and backgrounds. Our vision and mission for the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Team is to lead the agency in our efforts to promote diversity, equity and inclusion; fight systemic oppression; further develop our anti-racist culture; and enhance our service delivery to ensure Black, Indigenous and people of color are successful in services and not disproportionally represented in out-of-home placement.

We enter this equity journey with humility and openness to learning. We know we will make mistakes and those mistakes will help us grow.
A Social Justice approach to child welfare requires confronting racial and class bias, it requires concrete help for poor families, it requires humble tasks, and it requires stepping out of the role of noble healer and into the role of partner."
Richard Wexler, executive director of the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform